Holistic health practitioner Ann Wigmore once said, “the food you eat can be either the safest and the most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison”.
There is never enough time to have a sumptuous breakfast in the morning. In your haste to make it to work on time, you reach out to grab the nearest thing to deal with the hunger pangs. Is the food you grab the correct thing to start your morning with? Check out this list to figure out if you’re doing it right:
#1 Fruits
Contrary to popular belief, fruits can be tricky to incorporate into meals. They only benefit when you eat them at the right time.
The Right Choice Of Fruit
It is good to have papaya on an empty stomach. It is effective in cleansing the toxins in the body thereby ensuring smooth bowel movement. It is good for the heart as it reduces bad cholesterol. It is advised that you do not eat for at least an hour after having papaya.
Watermelon is an excellent fruit to have on an empty stomach. The electrolytes in the fruit keep you hydrated while the antioxidants prevent cell damage. It is a treat if you have a sweet tooth.
The Wrong Choice Of Fruits
Citrus foods significantly increase acid production in the stomach. As a consequence, you may suffer from acidity the entire day if you have an orange on an empty stomach, for example.
In addition to accelerated acid production, the fibre and fructose in citrus fruits hamper digestion. Guava has tough fibres, hence you should avoid consuming it on an empty stomach. Pear is another crude fibre fruit which injures the mucous membranes of the stomach.
Bananas are also a NO. These are a potent source of magnesium. When consumed on an empty stomach, the bloodstream is pumped with a fatal dose of magnesium which can harm your heart in the long term.
It’s also important to keep an eye on which fruits you mix together in a meal. Acid fruits don’t go well with sweet fruits, So apples, or citric fruits should be avoided you’re also having tomatoes, strawberries etc. Water heavy fruits like watermelon should also be avoided with any other fruit mixes.
#2 Vegetable Salad
You might want to often add leafy greens in your meal plans. But breakfast would not be ideal. Munching on raw vegetables on an empty stomach is a bad idea. The coarse fibres burden the stomach leading to poor digestion. Flatulence may occur causing you embarrassment at work. The abdominal pain will be a constant companion.
Eating tomatoes on an empty stomach will never work in your favour. Things can get troublesome especially if you suffer from stomach ulcers or acid reflux. They are rich in tannic acid which causes discomfort to the stomach.
Cucumbers are a NO as well. Heartburn, abdominal pain and flatulence are the discomforts you will deal with if you happen to have a cucumber on an empty stomach.
#3 Beverages
Hectic mornings can leave you with no time to have something solid for breakfast. Research suggests that beverage consumption has become a popular substitute for solid foods.
For a majority of people, coffee is an indispensable part of the breakfast. Often it turns into the only thing you have for breakfast. This is bad for your stomach. Coffee stimulates the stomach to release hydrochloric acid. Consuming the beverage on an empty stomach leads to gastritis.
Energy drinks, sodas, soft drinks and other aerated beverages are bad when accompanied by food. Things take a turn for the worst when you have them on an empty stomach. The acids in the carbonated drinks mix with the acids in the stomach. The mixture churns and produces enormous amounts of gas. If you do not wish to burp and fart or run to the toilet to throw up after every few minutes, it is advised that you do not have aerated beverages on an empty stomach.
Fruit juice is a popular choice of breakfast. Sadly, it is the worst. The fructose burdens the liver and pancreas. If you have the tendency to add sugar to it or you are an avid fan of packaged juices, you are damaging your stomach severely.
Furthermore, if you have cold beverages rather than warm ones, you must prepare for sluggish digestion leading to not so great a day.
Breakfast is an important meal, of course. It is the meal you greet your empty stomach with. Therefore, it is essential to take care of what you eat right in the morning. Keep an eye out.