
Tag: health

Stack Catering to all Fitness levels

In order to work efficiently, our body needs a sufficient quantity of nutrients. These nutrients are classified into micro and macro. Micronutrient comprises of vitamins and minerals while macronutrient consists of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Protein is the most effective amongst all the nutrients and is required by the body at regular intervals. Due to […]

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Importance of Protein

Human body needs enormous amount of macronutrients i.e. fat, carbohydrates and protein. Our body is able to store the former ones but not protein. Hence, there is a consistent urge of protein, which needs to be satisfied regularly. Protein is basically a chain of Amino acids. Protein helps to gain muscle mass while contributing to […]

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She Power

For umpteenth times we have witnessed the success of many women, who have failed several times and yet stood back with double the power. Facing the harsh realities of life has always been disappointing, but the courage that reflects in response requires immense strength.   In this 21st century , a women is standing out […]

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In the hustle-bustle of life, humans stomach are mostly occupied by junks.The delusion that something great is required to remain fit is absolutely incorrect. Youngsters today, are loosing their grip over all the essential nutritions. Along with adequate workout , a healthy fist of diet is equally important. Proteins are rightly know as the building blocks […]

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